Enchanted Mistresses Of The Stars

The Enchanted Mistresses were born in 2018.

Each astrology month I tuned in to the cosmic and aromatique botanical energies to bring them together to create a magickal tool for women to tap in to their innate cosmic energies.

You may find that you are attracted to one or more of the Enchanted Mistresses, this is because you are so much more than your birth sign.

Trust your intuition and be guided by it when choosing which Enchanted Mistress is for you.

It’s worth noting that you can choose 2 or more of these perfumes to align with your personal Star chart, and you can use a dab of one or more combined to create your own Signature Star Perfume.

You may at times feel that you want to embody the qualities of an Enchanted Mistress that is not innate with in you…So do it, that is the beauty of all of my perfume collections. You can combine 2 or more and design your desired signature scent of the day, week or month!

Tis Written In The Stars…